Buzzing with Nasekomo: Stefka Mavrodieva jumped from the peak of her career into the unknown

Stefka Mavrodieva will be one of the INspirers of the business forum – ALL IN – taking place on September 19. After spending two decades in the IT field and at the peak of her career development, she decided to boldly jump into the deep end of a completely unfamiliar sector. She assumed the role of Chief Digital Officer at the Bulgarian biotech company Nasekomo (from the Bulgarian word for ‘insect’), where she was involved in the implementation of the digital strategy and the expansion of operations into new markets through the novel for the insect industry franchise model.

At ALL IN, Stefka will “let the bug fly” about novelties in this new sector with her provocative talk titled ‘INsect INnovation? Way beyond AI’.  Hurry up and reserve your spot. We have released additional tickets but once they’re gone that will be it.

Get inspiration from our other ALL IN speakers HERE.

Mrs. Mavrodieva, imagine that Elon Musk has achieved a new big breakthrough in space travel and you are going on a one-year trip to Mars. Which three famous people (living or dead) would you like to accompany you?

Christopher Columbus, Katherine Johnson and Oprah Winfrey.

You can spend one working day with a company executive (living or dead). Who would you choose and why?

Steve Jobs – amazing visionary, innovator, creator. I believe in and follow his principles: “Be the measure of quality” and “I’m convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence.”

Imagine you are shipwrecked on a lonely island with all your basic human needs (food, water, shelter) met. What two things would you like to have with you and why?

Human company and a satellite phone. The human company will make the lonely island not so lonely while we call for help over the satellite phone.

If you could give just one book as a gift for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

Slavic-Bulgarian History by Paisius of Hilendar.

You are a time traveler. You have the option of moving forward into the future or going back into the past. Where would you want to travel and why?

I am interested in the past and curious about the future, but I enjoy the time we live in now and believe that each of us contributes to what the future will look like. That’s why I wouldn’t move forward in time. I would go briefly to the 1930s and the era of swing, because of the variety, energy, spirit and banter involved in this dance.

If you can get a superpower (any skill you can think of) but only for a day, which one would it be and why?

I would create a cure for the incurable diseases of our time.

Can you identify the biggest threat or challenge for your company in the next five years?

I would say that we transform threats into opportunities. Our challenges stem from our high-tech goals, for some of which the technology is not developed enough yet. But at the same time, this is a nice challenge to have.

In which area Bulgaria has the greatest potential to become a leader in Europe?

I believe that we Bulgarians possess exceptional qualities that have allowed us to reach where we are, despite all the difficulties we have historically gone through. We need a little more faith, perseverance and steadfastness.

AI is a hot topic, but what is the most neglected issue about it that is important to discuss?

Its influence on the maintenance and development of people’s creative abilities, as well as the desocialization aspect in solving specific problems.

What duty or task of yours would you never want to outsource to a robot?

On a personal level – the care for my family and the upbringing of my son. On a professional level – creative thinking and the choice of approaches to solving problems that it implies.

Which is more important: talent or hard work?

Definitely hard work accompanied by passion and dedication to what you do.

Which is more important: education or experience?


What are the three things without which success is impossible?

Clear goals, focus and discipline, but also enough adaptability to face the dynamics of the modern age.

What fascinates you nowadays?

The combination of high technology and the still-present connection to the essence of who we are as human beings.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

There is no growth without discomfort.

What is the hardest lesson you’ve learned?

I appreciate all the lessons, but the hardest thing for me to learn was that striving for more gets in the way of contentment of having enough.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?

Retiring from the business sector when I was at the peak of my career development to follow my passions ​​only to return to business and a sector that was rather new to me but still amazes me.

When was the last time you said to yourself: “This is my best day at work”? What was the occasion?

Today. I start each day with purpose, meaning and motivation. I aim to achieve something every day (even if it’s a small thing) that has an impact in the company, develops people (myself included), and is part of the small steps on the way to the big goal.

What is your biggest passion – something you are ALL IN?

Charity in all its aspects.

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