Milena Dragiiska

Milena Dragiiska

Lidl Bulgaria

Milena Dragiiska has been managing Lidl Bulgaria since 2007, when the chain began preparing to enter the Bulgarian market. Her career at Lidl began in Germany in 2002 as "Regional Sales Manager" for the Stuttgart and Karlsruhe regions. Her professional development continues at the company's headquarters, where she is responsible for various international projects.

Milena is the Chairman of the Association for Modern Trade, as well as a Member of the Board of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Board of the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria of the "America for Bulgaria" foundation and of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum.

All Sessions by Milena Dragiiska

ESG & Friends 27 Feb 2024
10:30 - 11:00

Practicing sustainability: The intersection of cause and regulation