Dimitar Tsotsorkov

Dimitar Tsotsorkov

Аsarel-Medet JSC

Dimitar Tsotsorkov is the Chairman of the Bulgarian Network of the UN Global Compact and of the Supervisory Board of „Asarel-Medet" AD. He has two bachelor's degrees - in economics and finance and in computer science, from the American University „Richmond" in London. He has a master's degree in information management and finance from the University of „Westminster" in London. He worked as sales and marketing agent at „London Electricity" and shipping manager at „Glencore UK Ltd", London. He has been with Asarel-Medet AD since 2001 as a sales and hedging expert, after which he became Head of the department and Director of "Corporate Development". Member of the Management Board of „Asarel-Medet" JSC since 2014, and from 2015 to 2017 he was its chairman. He is the executive director of the subsidiary company „Asarel Investment" EAD.

All Sessions by Dimitar Tsotsorkov

ESG & Friends 27 Feb 2024
10:30 - 11:00

Practicing sustainability: The intersection of cause and regulation